Coronavirus – Planning your Capital Project for 2020
Following partial school closures as part of the UK’s national response to coronavirus pandemic, Trinity Clifton have been supporting schools planning for capital projects. The health, safety & wellbeing of children, staff & communities is always paramount in the planning and implementation of school construction & refurbishment projects. The additional risks and restrictions introduced over recent days mean that effective project planning and preparation is now more important than ever.
For most schools, capital funding budgets are generally confirmed around mid-April. Over forthcoming weeks, multi-academy trusts will be advised of their School Condition Allocations, with Condition Improvement Funding distributed to other academies and free schools. Funding decisions within local authorities and church dioceses are typically ratified in the same period and schools will be advised of funding availability for construction & refurbishment projects.
Trinity Clifton works with schools to deliver projects throughout the year, though logistics often determine major capital works be scheduled for the summer holidays. Our national response to coronavirus is yet to be fully defined and the impact on school construction & refurbishment projects, planned for forthcoming months, will be multifaceted. For example, school closure resulting in relaxation to project programmes could drive down construction costs where projects can be rescheduled to meet contractors’ capacity. This benefit may be offset against potential labour shortages and disruption to supply chains, especially where materials are manufactured outside of the United Kingdom. Our project managers at Trinity Clifton commenced planning last autumn for this year’s capital projects, with early coordination meetings completed and further meetings – now being substituted for conference calls - diarised. Continuation of this proactive approach, with regular review of project strategy, will ensure our partner schools & academies are ready to make the best of what’s likely to be an unconventional year for all parts of the education sector.
For schools facing challenges over forthcoming days, Trinity Cifton can be contaced 24/7 - tel. 0117 441 1131 - to provide immediate support on all buildings & estates matters